Milly Mason

'Reality' tells the story of someone who has gone through tough times but has come out stronger on the other side. At first, she felt lost and didn't know how to handle being pushed out into the cold, harsh world. But instead of letting it break her, she found her freedom. She spent her life following others, but now she's confidently leading her own path.

The song features sparkling acoustic guitars strumming throughout with some nice variations that keep the rhythm flowing naturally. The electric guitar has this cool indie rock vibe with softer highs and strong mids, almost like a phoneline effect but with a bit of a low boost.

The drums are loud and straightforward with some percussion that adds more variety to the beat. Even the bass is heavy and boosted on the low end, giving more thickness to the overall production.

With the dynamic compression, the mix gives the acoustic guitars plenty of space and sharpness compared to the other elements, which is why this song has warmth, along with enough air and clarity.

Technicalities aside, Milly's voice is what really carries the message of this song. It has a passionate energy further complemented by melodic background harmonies. Together, the vocals share the emotion of celebrating personal growth and empowerment.

Milly's vibrant and expressive voice speaks to rediscovering herself, finding parts of her personality she didn't know existed. She reflects on the people who made her feel small and insignificant, who pushed her to the point where she felt numb. However, hitting rock bottom turned out to be a blessing in disguise because it helped her find her true self.

The lyrics encourage not wasting time on broken dreams or being stuck in a limiting reality. Instead, it’s about breaking free, unlocking one’s potential, and moving forward. The message is about embracing freedom, self-discovery, and the importance of not letting others define you.